Thursday, January 2, 2014

REVIEW: Hello Kitty Toilet Paper

I cannot tell you how excited I am to write this review. I've been looking everywhere for this Hello Kitty toilet paper as I've heard it's the most gentle thing to run across your taint in years. Sure enough, this stuff is soft. I mean real soft. I could sleep with these rolls as my pillows, but before I actually use them, of course. lol.

REVIEW: Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper, Big Roll (12 Rolls)

Cottonelle's Ultra Comfort Care is the premium version of their Clean Care series of toilet paper. It comes in a 12-roll pack that lasted me about 2.5 days. The "ultra" softness of this brand might have gone against Cottonelle since all it did was leave nothing but smears. I mean, there were smears everywhere. Even in places that I did not wipe. Can I say that I would recommend this brand of toilet paper? No. I wouldn't use it unless I was in a pinch. 2 stars